How was the CBSE Class 12 Physics Exam today?
Was it easy or difficult?
Many students reported that the questions were unexpected and extra ordinarily tough. What was your experience?
Were there questions beyond your comprehension?
Were there questions out of Syllabus?
Post your responses Now!
Anju R writes:
The Physics CBSE exam was tough.It was not beyond the syllabus but it was confusing and was asked in a twisted manner.Almost all the students who prepared for the exams didnot leave any derivations,laws etc.But the saddest part was that they asked the big derivation for just one mark and only very few were asked.And most questions were unexpected ones.
It was painful when I saw that after the exam almost all the students were crying.Sitting for a whole night for studying the derivations,laws etc.. gave nothing to us other than tears.We were happy after the English exam but the Physics exam gave a terror over us about Board Exams.I think 90 % of the students could not complete saying that it was a lengthy paper.
During the exam I could see many sitting with great confusion while few others in a hurry to complete it and the rest of them sitting sadly.By the grace of God I completed 5 minutes before the alloted time and didn't leave any question.I hope CBSE will consider us.
Yours sincerely,