Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SGAI - Student Global Aptitude Index - Date announced

CBSE announced the date forfourth edition of  SGAI - Student Global Aptitude Index (A test to identify the aptitudes of student)


The Fourth Edition of CBSE SGAI will be held on 16 November 2013.


What is SGAI?


Many students do not apply for SGAI because of the ignorance about the test.


The CBSE SGAI is meant for X grade students and is an optional activity, for schools and students.




A team of Experts in psychometrics, practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors design and develop SGAI and its assessment scheme.


Assessment of CBSE SGAI is done under the supervision of an expert panel and assessment reports are issued by the Board.


Salient features of SGAI


Central Board of Secondary Education


§   The CBSE SGAI is an optional activity meant for class X students studying in CBSE affiliated schools across the world.


§   CBSE SGAI is a collection of indices such as aptitude, interests and motivation.


§ Unlike the conventional Aptitude assessment, which indicate professional orientations the CBSE SGAI attempts to indicate subject orientations at +2 level.


§ It has been customized to suit the Indian context and variety of student population in CBSE affiliated Private, Government and Aided Schools.


§   CBSE SGAI is not an examination.


§   It is a simple paper and pencil assessments of 1 to 1.5 hours duration.


§   There is NO negative marking, pass or fail.


§   No syllabus and special preparation is required for CBSE SGAI.


§   Mental preparedness and sincere responses are the pre- requisites for this assessment as SGAI assessment may depend upon child’s environmental stimulus and motivation level.


§   CBSE- SGAI should be taken only as an indicator or a facilitator.


§  The purpose of CBSE SGAI is to help the larger population including parents, teachers and students to initiate a dialog on academic  choices that lead to effective career planning later in life.


§  Final decision on the academic choices may be taken in consultation with teachers and parents.






Monday, October 7, 2013

How evolution has shaped our lungs? A physics perspective

In a study published in European Physical Journal E how evolution has shaped our lungs through successive optimizations of physical parameters such as conservation of energy and speed of delivery. Two French Physicists, Bernard Sapoval and Marcel Filoche from École Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France, are involved in the research.

Our system is made from bronchial tree meant to move air flow through the lungs joined with associate alveolar method meant to catch your air. each equally are usually afflicted by diverse form of optimisations. merely tree-like set ups, your paper shows, are ready to effectively nourish parts above a small size, below which sometimes parts are usually alone feasted by merely diffusion. Specially, your authors initial display of which electricity losses regarding liquids through transport are usually minimised within a tree-like composition regarding form dimensions 3. Minute, they show that this optimised tree can be 'space-filling' for you to optimise proximity towards the operational alveolae. Finally, they display that your method meant to scale back the time period place in to move liquids during associate appendage has got the precise same form seo.

Bronchi, bronchial tree, and lungs (+ Russian ...

In associate biological process perspective, how huge is primitive multi-cellular species gave the impression to be necessarily restricted to nutrients' diffusion pace. One particular theory sorted during this review is really of which larger primitive animals get thus been conditioned by the modern Darwinian giving of tree-like 'space-filling' wholesome submission techniques. subsequently, their own hereditary stuff gave the impression to be willing to be contributed allowing class taking in element. Effective inspirations similarly as expirations series had to be optimised to ensure that external air flow can reach your alveoli previous end begins. This specific form of biological process tinkering, your authors imagine, might have granted your beginning regarding class respiration-as against fish-style eupneic and breathing by means of gills.
Also, your paper demonstrates your composition on the alveolar method is so optimum allowing productive transport regarding air within the air flow towards the blood. This specific utterly new perception in to the lung's biological process procedure stems from your actual physical principles underlying your beaux arts mastery regarding residing techniques.

Read more at:

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Electronics to become 'faster'

"Breakthrough in photonics could allow for faster and faster electronics" - reports

researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Micron Technology Inc. made it possible that Moore's Law to continue well into the future, allowing for increasingly faster electronics, from supercomputers to laptops to smartphones.

Moore's Law predicted that the computing speed would be doubled every couple of years.

It was found true even now. The computers getting smaller and faster.

Now, computers are going to become even more faster by incorporating photonics to electronics wherein the communication will be through light signals  rather than by electrical signals.