Tuesday, July 26, 2011


The following actions on your part may help you understand and enjoy learning of Physics :

Try to interact with your fellow students and friends. Do not hesitate to raise and clarify your doubts. You can have more fun in learning physics through discussions with friends.

Take your class notes in outline form and fill in the details later. Listening to the teacher attentively in the classroom and understanding the content of the lecture is more important. Taking notes blindly does not help much.

Do not miss lectures. If for some reasons you do, ask a member of your study group to provide you with notes so that you remain in touch with the ‘flow’ and ‘development’ of the topic.

Solve as many numerical problems of different variety as possible. This will immensely help to understand concepts and their applications.

Supplement your classroom learning by reading additional books. The additional learning material has to be carefully identified.

Attend your practical classes regularly. It will give you hands-on experience of the concepts learnt in theory classes.

Try learning the technique of translating mathematical expressions and graphs into ‘word-  interpretations’ and vice-versa. This would surely help to improve your grasp of the subject and your ability to feel thrilled and excited by the finer details and intricacies of the subject.

The ‘Internet’ has certainly opened-up a host of possibilities and opportunities for extended learning. Try visiting various sites suggested here and elsewhere to develop a passion and taste for the subject. This would not only widen your horizon but provide you a higher level of ‘built-in confidence’ about the subject.

Perhaps, the most important favour you can do for ‘yourself’ is to set aside adequate, regularly scheduled, study-time in a distraction-free environment.


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