Saturday, March 10, 2012

Plastic Bags and Related issues

Kerala Government has recently issued directives to prevent free supply of plastic carry bags from shops. Is this a good move?

What's happening now?

The shopkeepers have started charging for the plastic bags even without asking the customers. This in turn increases the use of plastic rather than decreasing it. Now the customers have adjusted themselves to spend Re. 1/- to Rs. 5/- instead of carrying a carry bag from home.

If the ultimate aim of these drive is to save our mother earth, there must be a ban Say no to plastic carry bagson plastic and alternative measures must be planned and implemented. Instead of asking the shop keepers to charge for plastic bags, ask them not to keep plastic bags, but sell non-plastic carry bags instead.

It could have been better !

Here are some suggetstions.

  • Let the shop keepers supply paper carry bags or non plastic, biodegradable bags.

  • If the shopkeepers want to sell carry bags, it must be without the BRAND of their shop/business etc and let them provide good quality reusable bags.

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