Monday, August 6, 2012

Curiosity Rover Landed on Mars

The mars exploration begins!

NASA's curiosity rover landed safely on mars. The 2,000 lb. NASA Curiosity Rover landed on Mars at 1:39am, early Monday morning EST.

Watch the video showing the landing of Curiosity Rover on Mars

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Almost immediately upon landing early Monday, the Curiosity craft transmitted to Earth a series of photographs showing its own wheels safely on the surface of Gale Crater near the equator of Mars.

"There is the wheel of the rover safely on the surface of Mars," said one exuberant flight engineer from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which is managing the $2.5 billion mission.

Almost immediately upon landing early Monday, the Curiosity craft transmitted to Earth a series of photographs showing its own wheels safely on the surface of Gale Crater near the equator of Mars.

"There is the wheel of the rover safely on the surface of Mars," said one exuberant flight engineer from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., which is managing the $2.5 billion mission.


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